I was playing with halftone in a post processing shader. The concept of halftone is basically you get the fraction part of a scaled uv, subtract from the center (0.5, 0.5) and perform a step with a given radius in order to get circular shapes (the halftone itself):
float2 center = float2(0.5, 0.5);
float2 newUV = frac(i.uv * float2(_Columns, _Rows)); // number of columns and rows of circles
float ht = distance(newUV, center );
ht = step(ht, _Radius);
float4 htColor = float4(ht,ht,ht, 1);
The difference when working with that as post processing is that your uv will be the screen coodinates normalized. In my experiments, I tried some kind of chromatic aberration where each color channel is displaced according to its intensity. I also added a noise to disturb the direction of the displacement over time. I won’t share the code because it’s a mess too experimental.
Playing with parameters
Playing with parameters
Dramatic tone
Unity’s Scriptable Render Pipeline represents a great advance on the way that unity deals with graphics, giving more power to the users to customize the pipeline the way they want....
Read MoreContinuing the posts of stuff that I should have posted last year but for some reason didn’t. Here, some (not deep) thoughts on Cook-Torrance and lookup textures.
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